Co-curricular activities are an essential part of school life and enhancing learning process of students. At AVP Global School Co-Curricular activities are compulsory activities for every student and inbuilt within curriculum. Infact this is one of the parameter for annual assessment of students.
Co-curricular designed keeping in mind balance with academic curriculum so that every student gets to learn beyond subjects. Activities or Co-curricular activities are important aspect of child's overall development.
It's improve the learning experiences, help them identify and develop their social skills, intellectual skills, moral values, personality development, cultivate inner talents like creative & public-speaking skills, leadership qualities, etc. Co-curricular activities offer students an opportunity of thinking unusually and exploring the innovative ideas of their own.
AVP Global School Staffs run a variety of fantastic clubs before school, at lunch and after school. These clubs gives you an opportunity to make new friends, learn new skills and gain confidence.
The day boarding concept at school which caters to various group as well as individual talent rearing programs ensures, the participants spend quality time and get support and guidance in developing their talents. Extracurricular activities help student learn the values of competition, teamwork, individual initiative, and group responsibility, sense of community, endurance, diversity and even interpersonal communication skills.
Does participation in extracurricular activities improve students’ performance in school?
The National Education Longitudinal Study (NELS), a brief that explores relationship between extracurricular activities and participation in school, suggests that extracurricular activity is positively associated with consistent attendance, higher academic performance and a strong desire among high school seniors to continue their education after high school. In fact, high school seniors who regularly participated in extracurricular activities reported the best class attendance–with over half reporting no unexcused absences and having never skipped a class. Compare this with only one-third of nonparticipating students reporting having no unexcused absences and only two-fifths reporting having never skipped a class. When compared with students who did not participate in extracurricular activities, participating students were three times as likely to be in the top 25% of their class in both math and reading assessment. The brief also showed that roughly two-thirds of students who participated in extracurricular activities were expected to completed a college degree, while only fifty percent students who didn’t participate in extracurricular activities where expects to go on to college.
(Note: The data provided by the NELS brief does not conclusively show that participation in extracurricular activities leads to success in high school. It can also be argued that successful students are more likely to participate in extracurricular activities than unsuccessful students.)
The various clubs and sporting activities gives leverage to each child to spend some extra hours in the school premises and develop their interest and get professional help. Thus the child does not have to seek outside help and spend time after school looking for tuitions or professional coaching classes.
Every child gets to choose at the beginning of the session. 2 sports activity, 1 club activity (Music, Dance, Arts, Robotics, Mathematics and Science) and 1 language (English, Hindi, French, German & Sanskrit) activity they wish to undergo throughout the session. The child will not be allowed to change the selection during the session at any point until it involves any medical exigency.
Professional sports trainers both in-house and visiting members are engaged in training the participants throughout the year in their respective chosen field of interests. Diet, nutrition, health and fitness would hold prime importance during this training. All participants are to be chosen based on merit, past performance history, Physical fitness, Interest and acumen towards the specific sport.